Call for Papers for Special Issue on Technological Advances and Innovation in Health
Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at:
The editions of La Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica are published every four months. The papers must be written in Spanish or English, and they will undergo a double blind peer revision process. The evaluation of each paper can be done by up to three accredited copy editors of international recognition. Each copy editor will present an assessment of the novelty, originality, and quality of the paper and will also evaluate compliance with the standards set by the editorial committee regarding the editorial policies and the presentation format of the manuscripts. The authors of accepted papers will have the option of publishing their article in bilingual format (English and Spanish).
The types of publications accepted by the RMIB can be research articles, review articles, technical information notes, letters to the editor, or first rate papers that have been awarded prizes at national or international conferences.
Research Articles:
These papers present original knowledge or the development of an innovative device framed by a critical analysis of the current bibliography, existing techniques, and problems in particular. This presentation includes: experimental or evaluation method, the findings, a discussion of its meaning, and conclusions in the area.
Review Articles:
It is a detailed, selective, and critical study that examines the published bibliography and places it in a certain perspective. It is not an original publication, and its purpose is to conduct research of review on a particular topic in which the most relevant information related to the research problem to be addressed is gathered, analyzed, and discussed with a critical view of the recent developments and/or original points of view. The fundamental objective of the review article is to identify what is known about the topic, what research has been conducted, as well as to know about the most outstanding advances that this subject has had in a given period of time and what aspects remain unknown. They should not be limited to a review of the literature.
Technical Notes:
Concise presentation focused on graphic illustration with a practical approach of a method, maneuver, process, or instrumental implementation of utility or general interest including bibliographic references. Although it is not considered as a complete scientific article, a technical not allows readers to benefit from the ingenuity and creativity of the authors.
Letters to the Editor:
Provides a means of communication between the author of an article and the reader of journal, allowing a continuous dialogue on the content of the journal. Although it is not original research by itself, a letter can provide a new view, make comments, suggestions, corrections, offer alternative answers or ask for clarifications on the content printed in the journal. By providing additional information, the evidence can be reinforced.
Whenever necessary, we will give authors, organizations, or individuals mentioned in the letter the opportunity to respond. The letters are not subject to peer revision, and they are published at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
First rate papers that have been awarded with prizes at national or international conferences:
Said papers will not be subject to peer revision, only the Editorial Board of the RMIB will evaluate that the article is written according to the template and meets all the format specifications issued by the RMIB.
Areas of study that can be published about Biomedical Engineering according to the World Health Organization
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Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System at:
A publication of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica
©2024 Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica Privacy policy
The REVISTA MEXICANA DE INGENIERÍA BIOMÉDICA is a quartely published Journal edited by Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica A.C., Juan Vázquez de Mella 481, piso 2, Local 200, Polanco I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Z.P. 11510, México. Teléfono (55) 5574-4505, Email: . Editor-in-chief: Dora-Luz Flores. Copyright no. 04-2020-022012474000-102, ISSN (printed version) 0188-9532; ISSN (online version) 2395-9126, both granted by Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor (Mexico). Last updates edition by M.SC. Carla Ivonne Guerrero Robles, Vázquez de Mella 481, piso 2, Local 200, Polanco I Sección, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Z.P. 11510, México. Phone: (55) 5574-4505, last updated: February 7, 2024. All contents including photographs, pictures, and drawings are the sole responsibility of the authors. Opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflects the opinion of the journal or the editors.